Explains Why One Should Read Motorcycle Repair Manuals

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November 01
23:21 2022 Explains Why One Should Read Motorcycle Repair Manuals

People own hundreds of different kinds of motorcycles, many older models, and some are even classics. Each of these motorcycles came with a new set of owners and service manuals. Less than half of these motorcycles are still in touch with their original instructions. This puts the current owners of these bikes at a disadvantage.

What’s in a Motorcycle Manual?

All the specs for the bike are in the bike’s original manuals. The owner’s manual contains a wealth of good information. Directions for everything from how to operate turn signals to the location of the tool kit are in the owner’s manual. one will also find detailed info, such as the rear shock adjustment and weight chart, the reserve fuel tank size, and more. A bike’s basic manual is worth the time it takes to read it, especially when the bike is new.

If this is an older bike, know that older bike manuals are filled with the essential information one needs to know but devoid of fluff. Modern manuals are perhaps a bit inflated, but they provide crucial information about the various digital displays and rider aids that come on newer motorcycle models. one will also find the information needed about the model’s dashboard options and learn its recommended maintenance schedule. Some motorcycle owners have a copy of the definitive bike manual that was first printed in the 1970s. This article gives a look back in time at that manual, “Motorcycle Repair Manual | Retro Review”.

Why Bother Reading Motorcycle Manuals

The longer one rides, the more one will need to know about the vehicle upon which one will ride. One might not have planned to become a motorcycle mechanic. Still, if one’s like most people, they won’t ride very long before necessity tends to assert itself. Also, according to, one’s a safer rider overall when one knows how a motorcycle functions.

When one knows how this particular bike works, one’s in a better position to perform bike maintenance and troubleshoot potential problems. This intimacy with one’s motorcycle makes it safer when on the road. If something goes wrong, one will be in a position of strength, not ignorance.

Where to Find Motorcycle Manuals

If one were so fortunate as to have purchased a new bike complete with a manual, keep it in a safe place and refer to it frequently. One might have to hunt a bit to find the correct manual if one’s like most of us and has a used or inherited bike. There is always a site offering motorcycle repair manuals for sale or download. Physical copies sometimes sell at flea markets and thrift stores.

Sometimes one can find an online community for motorcyclist enthusiasts that can point one in the right direction to find used motorcycle manuals. Places like Retro Review might also be aware of little-known sources of manuals. Fortunately, it is nearly always possible to find an eManual Online that substitutes nicely for the original. Sometimes old manuals turn up on eBay, so browse this site regularly.  

Finally, reading up on the bike and learning what it needs is like understanding the care one’s own child needs. It makes one a better bike owner and ensures the enjoyment of this hobby. So, pour a drink and settle down to read one’s bike repair manual tonight.

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